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Our resources can help you learn more about the Holocaust and genocide and plan your own HMD activity. Explore life stories of survivors and those who were murdered, virtual activities, schools materials, films, images and more. You can filter them by genocide and type of resource.


The impact of Holocaust Memorial Day in Wales

The Welsh Muslim Cultural Foundation welcomed Holocaust survivor Martin Stern MBE to speak at their Holocaust Memorial Day event in Cardiff. Watch the activity organisers explain why they mark HMD every year, and the importance of not being a bystander to oppression.


HMD 2020 in Northern Ireland

This film, produced by The Executive Office in conjunction with the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, shows Susan Pollack MBE, Tomáš Reichental and Safet Vukalić BEM share their personal experiences with young people from schools and colleges across Northern Ireland. The film was produced to help mark Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2020.


Genocide Prevention Day Film

9 December is Genocide Prevention Day, marking the anniversary of the UN Genocide Convention. This short film explains more about the day.