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Jean B. Kayigamba

Jean B. Kayigamba

The following testimony was written by Jean Baptiste Kayigamba, a survivor of the Genocide in Rwanda. Please note that the views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of HMDT.

Professor David Cesarani's Introduction to the Holocaust - Part Two

Professor David Cesarani's Introduction to the Holocaust - Part Two

Professor David Cesarani OBE is one of the world's leading historians of the Holocaust. He is Research Chair in History at Royal Holloway, University of London. David is a former HMDT trustee and is Historical Consultant to HMDT. In this podcast Professor Cesarani provides an authoritative introduction to the history of the Holocaust.

How does Poland remember its three million murdered Jews?

How does Poland remember its three million murdered Jews?

Recently four HMDT staff members undertook a learning trip to Poland, where they visited Krakow, Oświęcim, Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau. Here Communications Manager Mark Harrison reflects on Polish memorialisation of the Holocaust.

HMDT Blog: March of the Living 2017 Part Two

Jamie (Team Assistant) and Rachel (HMD Development Manager) from the HMDT staff team recently took part in March of the Living UK, a six-day international educational trip which includes visits to former concentration camps and culturally significant sites associated with the Holocaust.