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Our resources can help you learn more about the Holocaust and genocide and plan your own HMD activity. Explore life stories of survivors and those who were murdered, virtual activities, schools materials, films, images and more. You can filter them by genocide and type of resource.

Don’t stand by – A sensory activity for HMD Creative activities Schools materials Youth resources

Don’t stand by – A sensory activity for HMD

This resource is accessible for people with a range of SEN requirements or disabled people, and is available for anyone to take a sensory approach to marking HMD. The activity reinforces our responsibilities to build a safe society free from prejudice, and can be accessed through words and sensory stimuli.

HMD journalism lesson plan Schools materials

HMD journalism lesson plan

This discussion resource is for students aged 16+ interested in journalism, to be used in Media or English. You will learn about how the media was used during the Genocide in Bosnia, and discuss issues of the journalist as a witness to a genocide or similar atrocity and the responsibility and ethics of the press.