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Search results for: 'life story'

‘6 million +’ – the Button Memorial

‘6 million +’ – the Button Memorial

The 6 million + installation, which contains over six million buttons, has caught the imagination of thousands of people, inspiring a Yorkshire local authority to build the region’s first permanent Holocaust memorial.

The Roma genocide

Europe’s Roma and Sinti people (often labelled as ‘Gypsies’ historically) were targeted by the Nazis for total destruction.

Helen Aronson Film

Helen Aronson BEM survived the 'liquidation' of Pabianice and Łódź ghettos. Her father, Motush, carried out an incredible act of kindness and bravery, which ultimately cost him his life. This film tells Helen's life story and honours the memory of her father.

Dr Alfred Wiener

Dr Alfred Wiener

Born in Germany in 1885, Dr Alfred Wiener became a central figure in the documentation of Nazi and anti-Nazi literature during the Holocaust, forming a collection that would become known as the Wiener Library – a national resource which continues to document and educate about genocide.

Hawa and her friendships with Fatima and Nadia

Hawa and her friendships with Fatima and Nadia

This is a story about what can happen after escaping a genocide. It is a story of friendship and support. It is the story of three women from Darfur who are now building a life in the UK.

Jean B. Kayigamba

Jean B. Kayigamba

The following testimony was written by Jean Baptiste Kayigamba, a survivor of the Genocide in Rwanda. Please note that the views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of HMDT.

HMDT Blog: March of the Living 2017 Part Two

Jamie (Team Assistant) and Rachel (HMD Development Manager) from the HMDT staff team recently took part in March of the Living UK, a six-day international educational trip which includes visits to former concentration camps and culturally significant sites associated with the Holocaust.