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Primary Lesson Plan on Memory and Remembering

This lesson plan for primary students aged 7 and up takes students through memories and remembrance on Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD). It uses accessible games and reflective activities without explicit detail about the Holocaust and genocide so it is appropriate for a range of younger students.

Primary Lesson Plan on Memory and Remembering Download the lesson plan

The lesson plan has three activities which are designed to encourage your students to think about memory and memories, why we remember and how and what we remember, connecting with HMD.

Teacher guidelines

Teacher guidelines

Our guidelines for teachers provide support in tackling the subjects of the Holocaust and genocide with students of different ages and abilities, and how to mark HMD in education settings.

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HMD assembly

HMD assembly

This assembly for Key Stage 2 (or equivalent) introduces students to Holocaust Memorial Day, what we are commemorating, and how we can mark it.

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