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Five ways to mark HMD

There are just a few weeks to go before Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2019, but it is not too late to get involved in an activity and be part of the national picture of HMD. Here are five ways you can get involved:

Five ways to mark HMD

1. Attend an activity taking place in your local community.

Our Activity Map shows just some of the HMD events that are taking place nationwide. Search with your postcode, or by the type of activity you want to attend, to find a range of events happening near you. If you’re organising an event, let us know so that more members of the public can find an activity near them and get involved.

2. Learn about the Holocaust, Nazi persecution and subsequent genocides

On HMD, we learn from the past to create a better, safer future, so take the opportunity to explore our resources library or find out more about what we mark on HMD, and why. You can find information sheets, films, podcasts and much more in the Resources section of our website.

3. Participate in a small act of commemoration

Even if you are not able to attend an event, you can still mark HMD in your household. Consider lighting a candle and displaying it in your front window as a show of respect and solidarity. You could also have a minute of silence, or have a prayer session with your faith community, to remember those that were murdered.

4. Share your thoughts and reflections

Reflect on the Life Stories of those who experienced the Holocaust, Nazi persecution and subsequent genocides by putting pen to paper. Write a blog post, a poem or song, or produce a work of art in response to the testimony you read, listen to or watch. You can also take part in our Postcard Project from home by printing off a template postcard and writing a message to a survivor of the Holocaust or the Genocide in Cambodia. Find out more about the Postcard Project here.

5. Get involved on social media

Help us to spread the message of HMD by sharing an image, film, life story or other resource with your friends and family on social media. You can show your support by using the hashtags #HMD2019 and #HolocaustMemorialDay and retweeting some of the interesting content we will be sharing in the lead up to HMD.

Don’t forget to let us know what you are doing and ensure your activity is counted as part of the national picture of HMD across the UK.