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By taking part you have joined others in honouring the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution. Each #StandTogether social media post helps more people to remember those unique individuals.

Find out more

See thousands of people who have chosen to #StandTogether by scrolling through our memorial wall below.

If you would like to find out more about the experiences of those who were persecuted, explore our collection of life stories.

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Life stories

For many of the people named in our project we do not have detailed information about their lives. In many cases the Nazis deliberately destroyed records and stripped people of their identity. Read and share these three life stories of individuals we know more about.



‘The girl with the headscarf’ was identified in the early 1990s as Romani girl Anna Maria ‘Settela’ Steinbach. She was murdered in Auschwitz, along with her family.

Anna Lehnkering Nazi Persecution

Anna Lehnkering

At age 19, Anna was sterilised because she was disabled. She was later taken to Grafeneck 'Euthanasia Centre', where it is believed she was murdered on the day that she arrived.

Philipp Manes The Holocaust

Philipp Manes

Philipp was a German Jewish businessman. In 1942 he was deported to Theresienstadt Ghetto. He was later put on the last transport to Auschwitz where he was most likely taken straight to the gas chambers.

Memorial Wall

For many of the people named in our project we do not have detailed information about their lives. In many cases the Nazis deliberately destroyed records and stripped people of their identity. Read and share these three life stories of individuals we know more about.

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