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Our resources can help you learn more about the Holocaust and genocide and plan your own HMD activity. Explore life stories of survivors and those who were murdered, virtual activities, schools materials, films, images and more. You can filter them by genocide and type of resource.

Hastings Borough Council HMD 2016 Memorial Local HMD activities

Hastings Borough Council HMD 2016 Memorial

For many years Hastings Borough Council have supported a Holocaust Memorial Day Service, which takes place at St Mary-in-the Castle, Hastings. A former Church, the venue was converted into an arts centre in 1998 and now hosts a wide variety of performances and events.  

Rotherham Youth HMD 2016 Event Local HMD activities

Rotherham Youth HMD 2016 Event

Young people took the lead on a full programme of drama and music for Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) in Rotherham. The event was organised as a collaboration between Rotherham Early Help (Rotherham Borough Council), the Hudderfield-based CHOL Theatre arts company, and MyPlace/YMCA community centre.

Asma - anti-Muslim hate Films Life Stories

Asma - anti-Muslim hate

HMD 2016's theme was Don't stand by, which provided an opportunity for everyone to consider the role we as individuals can play in standing up to intolerance, prejudice and hate where we see it taking place today. In a video produced by Tell MAMA and Faith Matters, Asma shares her experience of suffering an incident of anti-Muslim hate and explains how she moved forward from this event.

Life Stories

Benn - homophobic hate crime

HMD 2016's theme was Don't stand by, which provided an opportunity for everyone to consider the role we as individuals can play in standing up to intolerance, prejudice and hate where we see it taking place today. Here Benn Moore shares his experience of suffering a hate crime on the basis of his sexuality and explains how this event has changed his outlook on life.

Pete - disability hate crime Life Stories

Pete - disability hate crime

HMD 2016's theme was Don't stand by, which provided an opportunity for everyone to consider the role we as individuals can play in standing up to intolerance, prejudice and hate where we see it taking place today. Here Pete shares his experience of suffering a hate crime on the basis of his disability and also explains how he reacted and moved forward with the help of Disability Equality North West.