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Highlights of the UK HMD 2022 Ceremony

Watch highlights of the UK Ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022. Tens of thousands of people from across the country watched the UK Ceremony for HMD 2022 and joined parliamentarians, faith leaders and their friends and neighbours to light the darkness.

Landmarks light up

Landmarks light up

As people took part in our 'Light the darkness' national moment for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022, iconic landmarks and screens across the UK lit up in solidarity.

See photo gallery
Photography Exhibition

Photography Exhibition

We asked young people to send us a photo that finish the sentence ‘One day…’. A selection of the photos now make up a digital exhibition for HMD 2022.

See exhibition
Memorial Book

Memorial Book

Create a memorial page to honour an individual murdered during the Holocaust, under Nazi persecution of other groups, or in recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Create a memorial page