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HMDT blog: How can I teach children about the importance of HMD?

This year we have partnered with 2Simple to create a range of resources on the Purple Mash platform to encourage more primary schools to mark Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD). These online activities build on the Primary School Assembly that introduces pupils to HMD, the Holocaust and discrimination in an age-appropriate way. The resources encourage pupils to think about consequences and impact of discrimination on those targeted.

HMDT blog: How can I teach children about the importance of HMD?

Whilst marking Holocaust Memorial Day and teaching about the Holocaust can lead to complex and challenging questions and discussions in the classroom, it can be a meaningful experience for pupils. It contributes to their historical and global knowledge and understanding, empathy and positive attitudes towards people from different backgrounds. Taking part in HMD encourages pupils to think about what they can do as individuals within their own schools and communities.

Rachel Century, our Director of Public Engagement and Deputy Chief Executive said:

We are proud to share the new online resources produced in collaboration with 2Simple. They encourage pupils to carefully reflect on the Holocaust and discrimination today and can be used flexibly to mark HMD or support teaching the Holocaust.

We are delighted to be joining 2Simple for a webinar at 3.30pm on 8 November to discuss teaching the Holocaust to Year 5 and 6 and the importance of the partnership. Teachers attending will also have the opportunity to see the new resources developed to support planning for January.

Register for webinar

HMD 2024 activities on Purple Mash

Click here to access the new activities on the Purple Mash platform.

Thanks to this new partnership, the HMD 2024 resources on Purple Mash are free to use for all schools. Schools with current Purple Mash licenses will have full functionality on the platform, so get in touch with [email protected] to discuss a free trial and to understand the full benefits of the software.

Remember to share your HMD activities and learning with us on social media on or around 27 January using the hashtags #HolocaustMemorialDay, #HMD2024, #PMHMD and #Purple Mash.

Image: Students from Althorpe and Keadby Primary School marking HMD.